Turn your restaurant team into your dream team

Three Simple Steps for Restauranteurs to Level Up their Teams


Have you ever walked into your restaurant wondering why things are out of place, the cleaning is half-done, and all your staff seems busy yet not doing anything productive? You don’t need me to tell you how incredibly frustrating this is and how it can suck the fun out of what should be an incredibly fulfilling occupation.

In our free guide we'll show you:

Three Simple Steps for Restauranteurs to Level Up Their Teams

Step 1 : Checklists.
Step 2: Training.
Step 3: Inspect what you Expect

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Turn your restaurant around in as little as one shift.


OK, you may be rolling your eyes already. Either you already have checklists, and they aren’t effective, or you’re tired of people telling you about checklists. But, when done correctly, they can be the foundation of your restaurant operations success.


Training is one of the areas that stump many restaurateurs. It can seem daunting and time-consuming. So, naturally, it gets shuffled to the side. Many restaurants train by abdication:


Inspect what you Expect

We know this term has become a bit of a cliché, but it’s the critical element of this process. Now that your team knows what to do and how to do it, it’s up to management to ensure that the work is done to the standards set in the training videos.


  • -Ryan, Ft. Lauderdale

    His number one trait is his authenticity. He really wants to see me - his clients succeed. Through his desire to see you make it, you’re not dependent on him to make your business thrive, but you come back to him because you want to get to the next level.

  • Emmett Marsh

    I needed help with my coaching business - I’m a great coach, but I wanted to impact more people and take care of those who I care about financially. Theo’s expertise was able to help me grow my business step-by-step. You want Theo on your side.

  • -Aden, Pflugerville

    Theo has a way of talking with you and bringing out things you don’t even realize you can improve on that can add to the value of your clients. Anyone who wants to grow their coaching or add more value to their business get in touch with him and have a call


Problem Solver in Charger

Hey there, I'm Theo - a general all around problem solver (it's true - I love figuring schtuff out).  The most amazing thing that I've figured out (sorta) is myself, but that was directly due to some kickass coaches.  

Not that long ago, from the outside I had everything, but inside I was miserable and depressed.  Thanks to some incredible support from some very talented coaches, I was able to put my life onto a track where I'm happier than I've ever been with myself and my life.  

That's why I want to use my experience in marketing (20+ years) and business (having built and sold my own 7-figure company) to help other coaches create as much impact in the world as they possibly can, and to be rewarded (financially) for it!  

Three simple, actionable steps that…

  • removes the frustration from employee training

  • make long lasting improvements in minutes.

  • has an immediate impact on your low performers while getting buy in from your top performers.

  • gets you out of the weeds to focus on your passion.

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Turn your restaurant around in as little as one shift.